Our Journey

Natalie Coughlin Hall
Natalie is most known for her athletic successes after earning 12 Olympic medals for USA Swimming. Throughout her professional athletic career, Natalie has maintained a love for food and wine. She grew up just outside Napa Valley and has always had an interest in the wine industry. As she transitions into the next phase, she has turned this love into her next career.
Natalie has been learning winemaking under Shaina’s wing over the last several years of Gaderian Wines. Her cookbook "Cook To Thrive," published by Clarkson Potter and Editor’s Pick at Amazon, can be purchased here. Be sure to follow @GaderianWines on Instagram for #PerfectPairings, where Natalie pairs Gaderian wines with delicious meals.
Shaina Harding
Shaina is a Florida transplant who misses the beach, but wouldn't trade her vines for the world. She is a graduate of the UC Davis Viticulture & Enology Program who has been living and making wine in the Napa Valley since 2008. She has had the great fortune of being able to work with many of Napa's most creative and influential winemakers as well as touch all of their grapes. She loves being among the vines and working in the vineyards, but her heart lies in the cellar, gently guiding her wines from juice and must to bottled joy.
Gaderian is a wine that we hope you drink with your friends and family around the table, the fire-pit, the picnic blanket, or the living room, and just enjoy a glass of wine while being together. "I love making amazing Napa Valley Wines, but I wanted to make something directly from my heart. I wanted something that was different, exciting, and full of love. So, I decided to start Gaderian with a long-time friend and fellow wine lover. I wanted to make something that we would both love to drink and share when we gathered with friends and loved ones."

Our Vineyards